UN Report: 1 in 5 Migratory Species Facing Extinction, Many Populations Declining

UN Report: 1 in 5 Migratory Species Facing Extinction, Many Populations Declining

A recent United Nations report has raised alarm bells over the precarious state of migratory species worldwide, revealing that one in five of these species are teetering on the brink of extinction. Released on Monday, the inaugural State of the World’s Migratory Species report sheds light on the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect these vital creatures.

According to the report, a staggering 82% of the 180 endangered migratory species listed in Appendix I of the UN’s Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) are under threat of extinction. Additionally, 76% of these species are experiencing a decline in population. Similarly, among the 1,127 species listed in Appendix II, which covers species that would significantly benefit from international cooperation, 18% are globally threatened, with 42% facing decreasing population trends.

Particularly alarming is the plight of CMS-listed fish, with a staggering 97% of these species threatened with extinction. The report highlights a worrying trend of deteriorating conservation status among migratory species, with 70 species experiencing a decline in status between 1988 and 2020, far outnumbering the 14 species that saw improvement.

The report also identifies an additional 399 migratory species, mainly birds and fish, not yet listed in CMS appendices but requiring urgent protection. These species, classified as “globally threatened” or “near threatened,” face similar threats from anthropogenic activities such as habitat loss, degradation, fragmentation, overexploitation, and more.

Migratory species are uniquely vulnerable due to their mobility, reliance on multiple habitats, and dependence on connectivity between sites. The report underscores the urgent need for coordinated global action to address these threats and protect the diversity of migratory species.

The findings serve as a stark reminder of the critical role migratory species play in ecosystems and the urgent need for concerted efforts to safeguard their future. As human activity continues to encroach upon their habitats, proactive conservation measures are essential to prevent further declines and ensure the survival of these invaluable species.

Sources By Agencies

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