“Netanyahu: No Ceasefire in Sight as Israel Continues Battle with Hamas”

etanyahu Rejects Ceasefire Calls, Vows to Demilitarize Gaza Amid Escalating Conflict

In the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has once again rejected international pleas for a ceasefire, affirming his commitment to crush Gaza’s ruling Hamas militants. The conflict, now in its sixth week, has escalated tensions in the region, with no signs of an immediate resolution.

During a press conference with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Minister Benny Gantz, Netanyahu emphasized Israel’s determination to maintain security control in Gaza after the war. He insisted on the demilitarization of Gaza, asserting that Israeli forces must have the freedom to enter the territory to hunt down militants.

Netanyahu issued a direct warning to Hezbollah, stating that Israel is prepared on the northern front and urging the group not to make the “mistake of their lives” by entering the conflict. The Prime Minister highlighted Israel’s ongoing operations with heavy firepower, both from the air and on the ground.

Addressing Arab leaders, Netanyahu called for their opposition to Hamas, characterizing the group as part of the “axis of terrorism” led by Iran. He urged leaders to consider the negative impact Hamas has had on Gaza, bringing only “blood and poverty” to its residents.

When questioned about the post-war governance of Gaza, Netanyahu ruled out a role for the current Palestinian Authority government, suggesting the need for an alternative. He expressed a strong stance against a civilian authority that promotes hatred towards Israel.

Regarding the issue of hostages held by Hamas, Netanyahu emphasized that there would be no ceasefire without the release of all 239 hostages. He confirmed that Mossad Director David Barnea is leading international contacts for their release.

In a concerning development, pressure mounted on Israel as doctors at Gaza’s largest hospital, Shifa, reported running out of fuel for the last generator. Tragic consequences ensued, with the death of a premature baby, another child in an incubator, and four other patients. The Israeli military has alleged that Hamas is using hospitals as command posts, a claim vehemently denied by Shifa hospital staff.

As the conflict intensifies, the humanitarian crisis deepens, with thousands of war-wounded, medical staff, and displaced civilians caught in the crossfire. The situation remains volatile, and international calls for a ceasefire persist amid growing concerns for the well-being of civilians in the conflict zone.

Sources By Agencies

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