NASA Releases Report on UFOs as Mexico’s Congress Presents ‘1,000-Year-Old Alien Bodies’

NASA Releases Report on UFOs as Mexico's Congress Presents '1,000-Year-Old Alien Bodies'

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) made headlines as it unveiled a comprehensive report on “unidentified anomalous phenomena” (UAP), more commonly known as unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Responding to recommendations by an independent study team to take a more prominent role in understanding UFOs, NASA announced the appointment of a director for UAP research.

During the press conference, NASA officials were confronted with inquiries about a recent UFO hearing in the Mexican Congress. This hearing featured the presentation of alleged remains of non-human beings, a revelation that has sparked intense curiosity worldwide.

David Spergel, the former head of Princeton University’s astrophysics department and chair of the UAP report, acknowledged the hearing but stated that he did not possess information about the nature of the samples. Nevertheless, he emphasized the importance of transparency in such matters.

“This is something that I have only seen on Twitter. When you have unusual things, you want to make the data public,” Mr. Spergel stated. “We don’t know the nature of those samples,” he added, urging the Mexican government to make the samples available to the scientific community.

In Mexico’s congressional hearing, prominent Mexican journalist and longtime UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan presented what he claimed were “alien bodies.” These specimens, showcased in cases, featured three fingers on each hand and elongated heads. Maussan asserted that they were recovered near Peru’s ancient Nazca Lines and had been carbon-dated by Mexico’s National Autonomous University (UNAM), concluding that they were approximately 1,000 years old.

Importantly, Maussan contended that these entities were not related to any known species on Earth. “I think there is a clear demonstration that we are dealing with non-human specimens that are not related to any other species in our world,” he declared, inviting scientific institutions to investigate further. “We are not alone,” he added, hinting at the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

Images and details from the Mexican congressional hearing, featuring the purported “alien bodies,” have swiftly gone viral on various social media platforms, fueling discussions about the potential existence of extraterrestrial life and adding a new dimension to the ongoing exploration of unidentified phenomena in our skies.

Sources By Agencies

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