“Devastating Morocco Earthquake Claims Over 2,800 Lives in Catastrophic Disaster”

Devastating Morocco Earthquake Claims Over 2,800 Lives in Catastrophic Disaster

A catastrophic earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 has struck Morocco, claiming the lives of more than 2,800 people and injuring over 2,500, according to the latest available data. The quake, which occurred on a Friday, has left a trail of destruction and heartbreak, with rescue operations still underway to save those trapped under the rubble.

The epicenter of the earthquake was located in the Atlas Mountains, approximately 70 kilometers south of the city of Marrakesh in Al Haouz province. However, its powerful tremors were felt far beyond, shaking coastal cities such as Rabat, Casablanca, and Essaouira.

This deadly earthquake has inflicted profound losses on Moroccan villagers, robbing them of loved ones, homes, and possessions. As rescue teams work tirelessly to free those trapped in the debris, the nation mourns and extends its support to the affected communities.

Understanding the Cause: A “Reverse Fault”

Geologist Jesús Galindo-Zaldivar, who has conducted extensive research on the formation of the Atlas Mountains and the geological features of the region, explains that this devastating earthquake resulted from a geological phenomenon known as a “reverse fault.” This phenomenon occurs when tectonic plates collide, causing the Earth’s crust to thicken. The immense stress along fault lines can lead to earthquakes as rocks abruptly shift, releasing accumulated stress—a characteristic of seismic faults.

Galindo-Zaldivar further suggests that the scale of this earthquake indicates that the fault responsible for it is likely around 30 kilometers long.

Different from Turkey’s Earthquake

Experts note a key difference between the earthquake in Morocco and the one that struck Turkey, which claimed over 50,000 lives. In Turkey, the earthquake was characterized by horizontal movement, driven by the country’s westward shift towards Greece, resulting in a horizontal sliding of tectonic plates.

In contrast, Morocco experienced a convergence between the African and Eurasian plates, including the Iberian portion. This convergence led to overlapping faults and contributed to the devastating earthquake.

Historically Significant and Most Powerful Since 1900

This recent earthquake is the deadliest to hit Morocco since 1960 when at least 12,000 lives were lost. It also stands as the most powerful earthquake in the region since at least 1900. The earthquake has caused extensive damage, including significant harm to the country’s cultural heritage. Marrakesh Old City, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has seen damage to its historic buildings, along with the historically significant 12th-century Tinmel Mosque.

As Morocco grapples with the aftermath of this tragedy, the international community extends its condolences and support to help the nation recover and rebuild in the wake of this devastating natural disaster.

Sources By Agencies

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