In an extraordinary tale from the animal kingdom, Henry, the Nile crocodile, has captured global attention as the world’s oldest crocodile. At the impressive age of 123, Henry’s life story is as fascinating as his remarkable physical presence.
Henry, an enormous 16-foot-long reptile weighing 700 kg, has been a captivating figure at the Crocworld Conservation Centre in Scottburgh, South Africa, for the past three decades. Born on December 16, 1900, in the Okavango Delta of Botswana, Henry’s early years were marked by a fearsome reputation. Known for his fearsome fangs and massive frame, he was once notorious among local tribes for allegedly preying on human children. This led to the intervention of Sir Henry Neumann, a famed hunter, who, instead of killing Henry, captured him and sentenced him to a life in captivity.
Despite his dark past, Henry’s current life is one of admiration and fascination. With six ‘wives’ and having fathered over 10,000 offspring, Henry is a living testament to the longevity and reproductive prowess of the Nile crocodile species. His size is so colossal that it nearly matches the length of a minibus, and his presence continues to awe visitors from around the world.
Henry’s legacy contrasts sharply with that of Cassius, a 16-foot saltwater crocodile in Australia, recognized as the largest living crocodile. Cassius, captured in 1984, is a prominent attraction at the Marineland Melanesia Crocodile Habitat on Green Island, Queensland.
As the world’s oldest crocodile, Henry’s story is a reminder of the complex relationship between humans and these ancient apex predators. From his feared past to his revered status in captivity, Henry remains a symbol of both the danger and wonder of the natural world.
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