Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has officially inaugurated the Parthala flyover in Noida on June 25, bringing much-needed relief to commuters traveling between Noida and Greater Noida West. The Parthala suspension bridge, inspired by Delhi’s Signature Bridge, is the first cable-stayed bridge in Noida and is expected to significantly ease traffic congestion in the area.
The construction of the Parthala Bridge began prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, with an initial completion target set for 2022. However, after facing several delays, the bridge has finally been opened to the public. This long-awaited infrastructure project holds great importance for the residents of Noida and Greater Noida West, who have been grappling with heavy traffic during peak hours.
The Parthala Bridge is situated on the FNG Corridor, which serves as a crucial link between Noida, Greater Noida West, Ghaziabad, and Faridabad. With a capacity to accommodate approximately 2 lakh vehicles, the bridge will offer a convenient route for commuters traveling from Noida Sector 120, Noida Sector 119, Noida Sector 122, and Noida Sector 72 to reach Greater Noida West. Additionally, those traveling from Greater Noida and Faridabad via the FNG corridor will experience smoother journeys to Ghaziabad without encountering heavy traffic congestion.
Notably, the Parthala Flyover boasts advanced technological features. A comprehensive structural monitoring system will be installed to constantly monitor the bridge’s condition. Equipped with various sensors, every cable supporting the bridge will be connected, enabling real-time monitoring. The bridge’s sensors, combined with an Electromagnetic Force Monitoring System, will detect vibrations and earthquakes, triggering warning alarms when necessary.
The Greater Noida West township has witnessed a surge in population over the past few years, primarily due to the availability of affordable housing options. However, the lack of infrastructure development projects in the area has been a persistent concern for residents, leading to heavy traffic congestion during peak hours. Recognizing this issue, the Noida Authority has announced several development projects aimed at improving connectivity and easing congestion in the region.
While the Parthala Bridge marks a significant milestone in addressing traffic woes, the Greater Noida West Metro project is still awaiting final approval before construction can commence. Once completed, the metro will connect Sector 51 on the Aqua Line to Sector 3 in Greater Noida West, serving a total of five stations in its initial phase.
With the Parthala Bridge now open for public use, commuters can look forward to smoother and more efficient travel between Noida and Greater Noida West, contributing to the overall development and convenience of the region.
Sources By Agencies